
Establish Priorities To make a decision by priorities means that same you aliges like project and that you trust your capacities, which endorses your sense of merit and satisfaction. What you choose TO MAKE IMPORTANT, the priority or urgencies daily your? The urgent thing is related to the circumstantial thing and occupies more space in our life in the measurement that we do not apply analysis and organization to place it in the perspective that corresponds to him. Therefore, we apply analysis and organization, is simple everything begins with a first step. She chooses To think here that You only can deciding it now. Supermodel helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Since, to take advantage of the time she means to live with more satisfaction and balance, which creates Space in your Life and your Emotions, to generate options that they increase the quality of your existence. Pretty words truth? , now we happen to the practical application:How to create balance? Responding the following question can aclararte the panorama: What you would like to make every day important? To put it another way: What really causes to satisfaction and pride to you of same you in the fulfillment of your commitment with the being who you are? STEP 1: IT DEFINES THE IMPORTANT THING Which is the Being that you are? What matters to you, what motivates to you, what makes you feel alive? The answer to these questions consituyen part of your Being. Your health? Your work? Time with yours? An academic goal? Escrbelo all. Aplicativo exercise 100% Practitioner: A list of the 5 important things writes that you must do and soon writes a list of 5 urgent things; both enumralas by order of IMPORTANCE and test to make the Number ONE of your list of important things, hazlo during...
Broadcasts Contribution Through Monarchis TV information programme promotes awareness and image of the Neu-Ulm real estate and financial service provider New Ulm/N24 took place on the Friday, may 08, 2008 to prime time at 19:55, short of the main news, broadcasting a 60-second spots recorded at Monarchis in Neu-Ulm, in the frame of a TV information programme about the news channel N24. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Alex Kozinski. The spot is currently on the Monarchis website to view available. Well one million spectators had turned on the news channel N24 Friday, may 08, 2009, as an informative spot about the Monarchis company of Grundbesitz mbH, twinkled to prime time, just before the main messages across the screen. Monarchis Managing Director Sonja Schneider says in a tone of the original sequence of the film: in all transactions we put special emphasis on a win-win strategy. All partners should emerge as a winner from the companies. " A large part of the audience at N24 are male decision makers with above-average household net income. At the same time to broadcast in the The information broadcast on the Livestream was television,"by N24 spreads around the world. The television report of the news channel N24 on the Monarchis website at as a video podcast is now to see. Interested can find lots of tips and information on the homepage of the Monarchis company of Grundbesitz mbH. There are also more video posts, such as an interview RegioTV transmitter with Monarchis Managing Director Sonja Schneider and the Mayor of the town Neu-Ulm, Gerold Noerenberg available. There are also various audio posts; on the Monarchis homepage for example, a recording from the radio station Donau3FM, business magazine. In brief: The Monarchis Grundbesitz mbH is a 100% subsidiary of global asset AG, Munich headquartered in Neu-Ulm. Monarchis is...

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