Nikola really obtained to increase the production of energy of its master. But Thomas Edison did not fulfill the promise and both had finished cutting relations. Author of more than one hundred inventions many times improperly attributed to others, between which the electric engine, the system of transmission for waves of radio (before Marconi), the remote control, the system of ray x, the system of microwaves and the radar, also obtained to create the one project? light wall? through which the operator would obtain to manipulate the time, the space, the substance and the gravitational system, operating with the invisibilidade and the tele-transport, what, in certain way, he would become realizable the dreamed experience of ' ' Machine of the Tempo' '. Also it was responsible it for the invention of chain dynamos alternated for the production and transmission of electric energy since the cataracts of the Nigara until Buffalo, the 30 distance km. One of the extraordinariest scientific experiences of Nikola Tesla is what it is called? the Domo de Tesla? , a species of magnetic atmosphere capable to cover and to protect a city and until an entire region against any attack or external aggression. Badly comparing, this? energy shield? raquetes would function as these electric to kill flies and mosquitos, destroying any projectiles or missiles that if they approached to the protecting area. Call exists a mysterious document in the scientific way ' ' Filadlfia' project; ' , that it consists of the description of an experiment of dematerialization and rematerializao of a ship, that until today is protected, as a secret, for the American navy.
They say that this fact is related directly the application of the theory of ' ' Wall of Luz' ' of Nikola Tesla. When they asked to it of where it took off its ideas, it said it received that them from its extraterrestrial friends. Therefore it was called maluco. in the magazines in quadrinho of scientific fiction of the time had been even created situations to ridicularizar it. But the great dream of Nikola Tesla was to create an immense generator to send electric energy without gratuitous wire and to all the hiddings place of the planet..
They say that this fact is related directly the application of the theory of ' ' Wall of Luz' ' of Nikola Tesla. When they asked to it of where it took off its ideas, it said it received that them from its extraterrestrial friends. Therefore it was called maluco. in the magazines in quadrinho of scientific fiction of the time had been even created situations to ridicularizar it. But the great dream of Nikola Tesla was to create an immense generator to send electric energy without gratuitous wire and to all the hiddings place of the planet..
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